My latest self project is coming off really well. In the last 2 days, I have made quite a progress.

Codeigniter + Template = Igniteplate

This is how the name came up and since then I never bothered to delve more into then name. I find it stupid to find reasons and change things when I have started work on them.

The Changes

So, the latest changes in Igniteplate are –

  1. Change in design and layout.
  2. Twitter Bootstrap 2.0
  3. Prefixfree
  4. Documentation
  5. A temporary logo
  6. Font Awesome instead of the default glyphicons
  7. A trello board

Change in design and layout

This was my first concern to deal with once I had started work on it. For the last 6 months, all my CI projects had a similar layout and it wasn’t very flexible. The current layout gives me more scope for new elements to be placed here and there.

Twitter Bootstrap 2.0

I have upgraded the Twitter bootstrap version and made all the required changes.


No more headaches of putting vendor prefixes before my css properties. Prefixfree does it all for me.


I have started documenting all my work on Igniteplate and created a simple help book so far. Will continue to add more content to it.

image missing

This is the temporary logo for Igniteplate.

I have just colored it. That’s all I did. The two parts are from The Noun Project.

I used a fire logo and a plate logo and came up with this. Even if I continue to use this, I need to make it more intricate, as I find this really stupid and simple.

Font Awesome instead of the default glyphicons

The reason for this shift is that a font gives me more freedom for playing with the size and colors of each element.

This is what font awesome is.

A trello board

Instead of posting more and more twitter updates on this. Checkout the Igniteplate board on Trello.

Checkout Igniteplate on github.

I am working on Social Auth at the moment. Should take me another week to get done with it and come out with a version 1.4