It’s been a couple more than a week that I was introduced to ASP .NET and my current project has not only taken it’s shape but is nearly completed.
You would be wondering, “What is he working on?”. Well, what I am working on is just another Online Test System.
What it has?
- User Management – 3 Categories: Admin, Teacher, Student
- Questions Type Management
- Subject (Add/Edit/Delete)
- Class (Add/Edit/Delete)
- Questions Management
- Paper Generation by some queries
- Test Generation by populating a paper
This is what it is.
I am through with Paper Generation. What I am left with is the Test Generation and once that is done, I’ll release it.
Working in ASP .NET helped me learn ASP as well as C#. Plus, the whole logic of how and why to design a database in a way is clear to me.
Will make a whole documentation and put it up as soon as it is done.
Estimated Time of Release: 9th July 2011